Start The highest roadsummits

Screenshot vegag.isGood news from the icelandic interior: only a few highlandroads are still closed to traffic. It is not possible to travers in the northern part of the sprenigsandur-routes, around Askja and on the jeeptracks north of Mýrdalsjökull.

A transition of the sprengisandur-route is not yet possible, but the second north-south-route Kjölur is nowaydays open. In East-Iceland you get today by bicycle to the Kverkfjöll. In South-Iceland the road to Þórsmörk - which you was in parts disappear due to vulcanic eruption - is reconstructed and open.

Screenshot vegag.isBefore you start a trip to interior check in every situation the latest news on the website of the icelandic road adminstration, where you find the last graphic the all closed roads.  The road situation in Iceland is subjet to change rapidly.

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